Saturday, April 19, 2014

Not on home field

I was recently asked to work a shift at another station in another part of the county. I accepted since I was available, could use the money, and was familiar with the area. I didn't mind the shift at all. We ran a couple of calls and even had a house fire. Not having anyone around to talk to was a bummer, but I always seem to get by. I even got to try a burger joint that I had been wanting to try since they opened. I would say that I was pleased with my 24 hours. 

Being there quickly reminded me how fortunate I am that my department has the participation that it does, with or without our requirements. When you're one of 4 people on a fire find yourself doing even more multi tasking. Thankfully, the fire supervisors actually enjoy running calls and doing a little working here and there. They were a welcomed hand that day. 

I would have to say that, even though I enjoyed my shift and some new scenery, I quickly realized that I wasn't on home field. I had no clue where anything was in the station, where to shower, where to sleep, or even what more was expected out of me other than what I already knew. It was like starting a new job where you work alone all the time or going to a new school. I knew hardly anyone there. I checked all my trucks, ran a couple calls, and spent the rest of the time wandering around aimlessly while doing little odd jobs to keep me awake and busy. I guess what bothered me most was that I was more unprepared than I thought. I had more questions than I had answers for, and I had quite a few answers. Maybe it's time I did a little more learning. 

I've been realizing more lately that I'm trying to juggle so many things at once In my personal, professional, and department lives altogether. I've tried to plan for so many things with such little time that I end up rolling things over to the next day. This causes more suffering in my personal life than anything. My priorities are still in line, but there's not much room left to relax. No rest for the weary I guess, or maybe it's just to keep me moving and active. Either way, all things cease when those tone drop! 

My beach chick is back, yet again. Only this time, it doesn't seem permenant. I have, however, gotten more information and truth now than I ever have since asking myself all these questions. In a nutshell, she's a woman and women are crazy. She wants everything and at the same time, has no clue what she wants or when she wants it. I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing and if it happens, it happens. 

The fact of life is, you're never going to know everything. There will always be room to learn and make improvements. You're also going to notice that nothing ever goes accordingly to plan, something is gonna get jacked up. What's important is how you deal with it. Sometimes you can take what you're given and roll with it. Things will work out somehow, it's not going to be all bad all the time. 
Have faith, and keep fighting the good fight. 

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